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Cowboy Bebop Updates

This part of my website will be devoted to all the Cowboy Bebop news that I can find. I hope to keep you updated fairly well. If you have more news that I don't have up please send it to me via e-mail. You can find my e-mail adresses at many locations in this website. 1)About Me, 2)Contact Me, and 3)Cowboy Bebop Links. If I don't have any new news then you can check out my links section or my photo gallery sections to entertain yourself. Enjoy!:)

7/16/04 - I've added new art to the "Gift Art" section from Pimpin Satan, and I've added some more of my own in the "More of My Art" section, so check it out. Enjoy. Also, if you are interested in the old Cowboy Bebop news, I've got some at my old site It's not all the news but it's some, good day...

7/13/04 - It seems that I was wrong. VERY IMPORTANT NEWS today about the new COWBOY BEBOP PS2 GAME that will be released by Bandai Ent. So after 6 years, CB is still standing tall. The release announcement of the game was at the E3 expo. You can catch screenshots and info on the game at for now. Until then you'll just have to wait for it's arrival. I suggest you rent the game before you buy it because anime games don't usually live up to the shows. Well that is the latest news. I'm out, good day...

7/12/04 - I have to say, unfortunately, Cowboy Bebop is completely over. No more news will be coming my way. I'm pretty sure of that. All that's left is it's repeating episodes on adult swim. I only have news and updates on what I'm doing now. Since this is the first time I'm updating in like a year, I want to start off fresh. No old news. My new news is that if you check in the newly titled section "My Art" which used to be fan/gift art,  I have added some pics that I made myself. Nothing too fancy or special. But if you check on the section titled "More of My Art" you will find some great pics of CB that I did NOT draw, but at the top there is a great pic that I drew and colored of the MONA LISA. Please check it out. Good day...